You want to work with kids…
It’s time to get the training you need!
We KNOW that the massive rise in behavioral, developmental, socialization and processing challenges is a huge call to action for our profession.
We KNOW that the massive rise in behavioral, developmental, socialization and processing challenges is a huge call to action for our profession.
We know that chiropractic has a major role in changing the trajectory of these challenges and we NEED step up to help improve the lives of these kids and families in our communities.
We are lacking in understanding of brain development beyond the basics of what we learn in school! We aren’t confident in our ability to tie the trajectory of brain development into the specific behaviors we are seeing from the kids walking into our offices. AND we struggle to take what we are seeing and have certainty that chiropractic is a necessity in changing the trajectory.
You are telling your community that chiropractic can help! You are teaching workshops and telling parents that they need to get their kids checked.
On the inside, you are nervous because while you know that all people are better un-subluxated, you still lack confidence in understanding the behaviors/issues that are being presented and why or why not they exist and have the potential to change.
▶ You are forced to “convince” parents that their child is better with chiropractic care or you lose them because you have now become another therapy in this child’s life that “doesn’t work”.
▶ You are too nervous to work with these kids because: you don’t feel confident assessing their specific needs, you don’t feel confident communicating to parents how chiropractic care can help their child, you don’t feel confident in your understanding of these specific issues or in your ability to contribute to changing their trajectory.
▶ You start looking in other directions to help these kids: nutrition, methylation, exercises, primitive reflex training (all are super important!) but it causes you to lose sight of chiropractic as the foundation. You lose your understanding and certainty in what we do and why it needs to be at the foundation of all other areas.
▶ You feel like you don’t know enough or you get confused on what you DO know. You get intimidated and feel like you don’t see results because you don’t know what to look for.

Working with this demographic can be challenging, overwhelming and down-right intimidating.
It is your obligation to your community to KNOW more!
▶ UNDERSTAND AND INTEGRATE: A simple way to integrate this in your practice!
▶ MAKE PHILOSOPHICAL SHIFTS IN YOUR PRACTICE: How to make specific, practical changes in your office and your communication (Deficit Model to Expression of Life Model).
▶ CASE HISTORY: How to take a case history through the lens of developmental brain hierarchies
▶ HOW TO GIVE A COMMUNITY LECTURE: …that allows parents to understand without question how chiropractic applies to their children and their behavioral, learning and socialization challenges
▶ HOW TO BE THE SAFE PLACE: How to be the safe place to land for these families and how to follow through with results
▶ PARENT COMMUNICATION: How to communicate specifically with these parents who live in constant stress with a scarcity mindset
▶ BRAIN DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: More about brain development and how to fill the gaps, practical tools to apply in your office right away, new assessment tools and clinical outcomes to track the results
▶ TRUSTED ADVISOR: How to become the trusted advisor in your community for people who are looking for answers they haven’t heard before